
Altre pubblicazioni
Capability statement
Case Studies
Global Directory
Guida al transfer pricing
Guide "Doing business"
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Rassegna stampa
Tax news 2017
Tax news 2018
Tax news 2019
Tax news 2020
Tax news 2021

Case Studies

Queste pubblicazioni descrivono l’esperienza del cliente in relazione ad alcune modalità di collaborazione e di intervento che si sono svolte nei vari anni da parte di società che fanno parte di UHY sia nel campo della revisione contabile che della consulenza.

STAAR Surgical

STAAR Surgical is a leading eye implants manufacturer for refractive and cataract correction, with headquarters in Monrovia, California, the US and international offices in Nidau, Switzerland, and Tokyo, Japan. UHY Fay & Co, Spain, provides STAAR Surgical with tax and legal services, including incorporating a new branch of the multinational in Spain, obtaining the legal licence to practice in the country, tax compliance for the group’s activity, and preparing its transfer pricing manual to comply with Spanish legislation affecting related party transactions.

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