Tax news #11 2020 Liquidity Decree: Main measures aimed at facilitating access to credit by enterprises and professionals
Tax news #10 2020 Law-Decree 23 dated April 8, 2020 (the “Liquidity” Law-Decree): Urgent measures to guarantee that enterprises affected by the Covid-19 emergency can continue to do business
Tax news #8 2020 The “Cure Italy” Decree. Financial measures intended to support liquidity of microenterprises and SMEs via a moratorium on debts
Tax news #7 2020 Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) dated March 22, 2020 – Temporary suspension of productive activities in order to limit the spread of the contagion by Covid-19 through the Italy’s whole territory
Tax news #6 2020 Special extension of the deadline for calling shareholder meetings for approving annual financial reports and extension of the possibility of holding shareholder meetings without participants being physically present in the same place.